Latest Announcements:

Our Vision

At the heart of Archbishop Ilsley’s curriculum is teaching our young people to let their light shine as they live out Christ’s call to:

‘Love one another, as I have loved you.’

We believe all pupils should learn about the ‘best that has been thought and said’ through the lens of Christ. Offering a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum for all rooted in the gospel values. This is so they can appreciate with wonder and awe the beauty in the world and uphold human dignity as responsible citizens of the future, who live out our British values and Catholic Social Teaching. 

Our curriculum is delivered through quality-first teaching that supports social mobility and raises aspirations regardless of background, harnessing the expertise of teachers whose mission it is to convey their knowledge and love of their subjects and to ensure that pupils remember what they are taught. 

We promote and recognise success in a wide range of extra-curricular activities to enable pupils to discover and develop their God-given gifts and talents.

Our core purpose is to enable our pupils to know that they are loved, willed, and necessary with a specific mission.  We aim to equip each child with the qualifications, knowledge, skills, and confidence they need. Along with a firm sense of vocation and high aspirations to make the world around them more loving, peaceful and joyful.

Our School Prayer


May God grant me,

The wisdom to know what is right and good.

The integrity to do all the things that I should.

The courage to defend the dignity of all

The graces I need to answer your call.

Fill our school with hope, love, joy and peace.

So we can let your light shine for each person we meet.

May we be ready, safe, respectful and kind.

With those in most need in our hearts and our mind.

May we be ‘just and firm of purpose’ in all we think, do and say.

Use our gifts, skills and efforts; to make the most of every day.


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