Latest Announcements:

Welcome to Sixth Form!

In this section, you can find out all sorts of useful information about our Sixth Form Centre, including how to apply, expectations and guidelines, UCAS information and much more.
Six form pupil/student working at desk/table, writing down work.

Apply Now

Six form pupil/student working at desk/table, writing down work. on laptop.

Expectations and Guidelines

Six form pupils/students working at desks/tables, writing down work in books.


Six form pupils/students working at desks/tables, writing down work on laptop. In six form work space.

Careers Education

Six form pupils/students working at desk/table, writing down work and on laptops, in work space/class room.


Archbishop Ilsley Catholic school and sixth form school's reception entrance of the building, outside.

Advice for Parents

Six form pupils/students working at desks/tables, writing down work. In six form work space.

16-19 Funding and Bursary

Archbishop Ilsley Catholic school and sixth form school's reception entrance of the building, outside.

16-19 Programme of Study

Six form pupils/students working at desks/tables, writing down work in books and laptop.

Independent Study Guides

Welcome to Sixth Form!

We are proud of the achievements of our Sixth Form and feel very strongly, that Archbishop Ilsley offers some of the best opportunities for post-16 education in the area.  We believe it is the quality of teaching, learning and relationships with staff that make the difference to your adult chances of success.

One of the major strengths of Archbishop Ilsley’s Sixth Form is our pastoral system.  Personal Tutors take primary responsibility for monitoring the progress of each student in their tutor group and in addition, we offer all of our students a comprehensive system of careers and higher education advice and counselling.

We look forward to working with you in this crucial stage in your education.

Mr C Clinton

- Head Teacher

We are delighted to welcome you to Archbishop Ilsley’s Catholic Sixth Form.  Thank you for choosing us as your educational establishment for the next two years; two years that are critically important in your personal and educational development.

Our mission is very simple and so very important – we want you to become successful citizens with excellent academic success and the ability to be kind yet influential citizens; our saints of the 21st century, dedicated to and called to a life of service to self, God and others.  We hope that your next two years with us will be an exciting time.  A time filled with great opportunities for you to learn, achieve and participate in a range of exciting enrichment activities.

Over the next two years, you will be specialising in subjects that you are passionate about and you will make important decisions about what you will do once you have completed compulsory education.  We understand that the jump from GCSE to A Level qualifications can be challenging but we are here to guide you to success in your chosen pathway.  There is always someone here to support you.  We will provide you with quality first teaching in your subjects and support you to become independent, resilient learners who are both reactive and proactive in your approach to your studies.  

Ultimately, we seek to help you to define your pathway whether that be to university, apprenticeships or the world of work.   We also aim to give you the best possible Sixth Form experience and to this end, we set high standards from the very beginning in terms of student conduct and effort. We expect you all to be the best you can be in all areas of your Sixth Form life.  You are all ambassadors of our school and role models for our younger pupils, who see you as a source of inspiration; we hope that those pupils aspire to one day be a Sixth Form student here themselves.

Mrs L Grant

- Assistant Head and Head of Sixth Form

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