Latest Announcements:

House Virtues and House Saints

Day to day we focus on pupils and students becoming:
1. Wise, courageous learners
2. Dignified people with integrity

To build the understanding of the four virtues of Wisdom, Courage, Dignity and
Integrity we use the following definitions.

Wisdom – to know what is right and good.
Courage – The strength to do what is right and good.
Dignity – Knowing that human life is precious and should be protected & respected.
Integrity – To do what is right, because it is right.

House System

We have four houses, one for each virtue. Each house has a saint that is a role model of that virtue. There will be various events and competitions throughout the year to bring the houses together.

HouseTutor Group SaintHow the saint is a role model of the virtue
WisdomBlessed Carlo AcutisDeveloped a website to record Eucharistic miracles. Focused on knowledge.
CourageSt Josephine BakhitaOvercame prejudice, discrimination and persecution as a slave.
DignitySt Teresa of CalcuttaSet up communities to care for the poorest of the
poor who were dying. Ensured their dignity was central.
IntegritySt Maximilian KolbeSaved the life of a man sentenced to death by starvation in Auschwitz.

Our School Prayer

May God grant me,

The wisdom to know what is right and good.
The integrity to do all the things that I should.
The courage to defend the dignity of all
The graces I need to answer your call.

Fill our school with hope, love, joy and peace.
So we can let your light shine for each person we meet.
May we be ready, safe, respectful and kind.
With those in most need in our hearts and our mind.
May we be ‘just and firm of purpose’ in all we think, do and say.
Use our gifts, skills and efforts; to make the most of every day.


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